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iOS Unit Tests – My story

I can say that writing unit tests is good for every programmer on his way to becoming great. The quality of coding could dramatically improve using unit tests. The philosophy of writing tests and thinking how the code should be structured to allow the tests to pass, will make you…

Automate Processes with Camunda

Camunda is a great tool to have in your toolbelt. If you are working on projects that often require business processes and/or human actions then Camunda can save you a lot of time. But first, you need to have an understanding of what it is and how it works.
JavaSpringSpring BootTechnology

Multitenancy with Spring Boot

Most modern Software as a Service (SaaS) applications are built with a multitenant architecture. Whether it is Slack, Salesforce, Zoom or one of the popular Atlassian products. It's an architecture in which a single instance of a software application serves multiple tenants. So why should you consider implementing multitenancy in…
Antonie Zafirov
Adobe Experience ManagerTechnology

AEM 6.5 and SSL

With "SSL By Default" Adobe provides a simple way to set up SSL on AEM 6.5. This should encourage people to use HTTPS for internal communication between AEM instances. Here we describe step by step how to activate SSL on a local environment using self-signed certificates for testing purposes.
Lukas Stuker
Company DevelopmentCulture

Hackdayz 2019 fun and creativity

During our Hackdayz 2019, we just recognized the effect of fun on increasing creativity and efficiency at work and overcoming obstacles to work such as time pressure or language barriers. We also had such a friendly cultural exchange event where we met our colleagues from different countries and had a…
Shehab Eltobgy